Friday, September 6, 2024

Remembering Mom & Dad At Ocean Shores With Sister Michele Rogue Waving

Arriving in my email, a Microsoft OneDrive Memory from this Day that I do remember.

Except it was a day in August, not September.

The year was 2001.

I'd driven solo from Texas back to Washington to be a surprise arrival at my mom and dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party, which was to take place on August 11, because that day was a convenient Saturday, whilst their actual anniversary date of August 6 was an inconvenient Monday.

August 11 also happens to be my birthday. When I went to my mom and dad's 40th Anniversary Party, on Samish Island, ten years prior, that also was on an August 11 Saturday.

On the August 11, 2001 instance, after my surprise arrival, a quick happy birthday card was fashioned. I think I still have that in a box somewhere in my abode.

At the point in time of that August 2001 visit to Washington, mom and dad were still spending the warm time of the year in a cabin at Lake Cushman, on the Olympic Peninsula, before spending the cold time of the year in Arizona.

So, at some point in time after the anniversary party I drove out to Lake Cushman, and then rode with mom and dad to Ocean Shores, on the Pacific Coast, where sister Jackie, and others were staying in a beachfront hotel.

Ocean Shores has always been one of my favorite Washington locations.

In that photo at the top we'd driven to the end of the Ocean Shores road which leads to the entry to Grays Harbor. This is a great whale viewing location, along with seeing some big waves. That would be mom and dad looking at you in the above photo.

And, in the second above photo, that is sister Jackie, and my all-time favorite brother-in-law, Jack, sitting on one of the rocks which serve as a barrier to incoming waves at the entry to Grays Harbor.

Back to that photo of mom and dad, at the top.

Years prior I had one of my most memorable experiences ever at this location.

It was a Sunday. I'd driven over to the coast, from Ellensburg, for the weekend. I think it may have been the Easter weekend. David, Theo & Ruby's mama Michele was about 4 years old. Maybe 5.

Big Ed, me and little Michele parked at the above Ocean Shores location, and walked out onto the beach, joining dozens of others, many in their having been to church clothes.

The waves were being big. It is a fun thing on the Pacific Coast to be at the edge of the ocean, with the waves crashing in and out. 

And then something happened I had heard of but had never experienced. Suddenly it was obvious an incoming wave was much bigger than those previously crashing.

A rogue wave.

We started running. Eventually I picked up Michele so we could run faster. I got us up on a big chunk of driftwood, thinking the wave would not get that high.

I was wrong. We were washed off the driftwood. 

But, soon the force of the wave abated. We were soaking wet. And I had some explaining to do when we returned to my mother's location.

I have asked Michele previously what she remembers of this. She has absolutely zero recollection. For me, it is as vivid as if it happened yesterday...

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