Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Remembering Redheaded Crankypants

Some days I find myself not liking what I see when I open an email from Microsoft with today's supposed Memories from this Day.

Such was the case today.

I have no clue as to the day this photo was taken. I do know the photo was taken back near the beginning of the current century.

Taken in the kitchen in the house which was my first Texas abode, on what was then known as Hicks Road, now known as Bonds Ranch Road.

The Redhead, looking like she is threatening to lick me, was instrumental in causing me to move to Texas, late in the previous century.

I do not know why I was looking happy in this photo. It must be an illusion.

By the time this photo was taken, the name I used most regularly, when referring to the Redhead, was Crankypants. 

I remember once someone in Tacoma warning me that my particular type personality would not get along well with Puerto Ricans and Redheads. 

Balderdash thought I. What a silly suggestion.

For years I got along perfectly fine with the entity I called Miss Puerto Rico. 

I have known only one Redhead with whom I eventually did not get along well with...

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