Sunday, September 8, 2024

Cool Sunday Sikes Lake Walking With Herons

On this second September Sunday it was to Sikes Lake I joined the throngs walking around the lake, enjoying the almost chilly, well, way below 100 degree, temperature.

A breeze blowing and low humidity, along with the temperature being in the low 70s made for the outer world at my location being about the best it ever gets.

In the photo documentation you are looking west, from the middle of the bridge at the west end of the lake, across the greenish-brown Sikes Lake lagoon.

A blue heron, at least that is what I think it was, was in the water at the right side of the photo. I can not make out the bird in the photo. Maybe it flew away whilst I was getting my phone out of its pocket.

Methinks I am going to be greatly enjoying the outer world the next couple months, after making it through the current way too sizzling summer...

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