Monday, August 5, 2024

Some Like It HOT In Lucy Park On First August Monday

On this first Monday of August, for the first time in a week, give or take a day or two, I communed with nature in a non-air conditioned venue, walking the backwoods jungle of Lucy Park.

Which would make that the Lucy Park suspension bridge over the Wichita River you see in the photo documentation.

The foliage is managing to remain green, despite the day after day after day of getting baked over 100 degrees.

Today's Lucy Park nature communing was not too HOT, at a degree under 100, with a nice breeze blowing, with occasional gusts.

The only wildlife I saw today, other than humans, was a few cute lizards scurrying on the trail ahead of me, seeming playful, like they thought it to be fun thinking I was chasing them.

The lizard type reptile does not bother me in the way I am repulsed by their snake relatives. 

I have not seen a single snake this year. One would think one would, if there are any to be seen, what with the cold-blooded monsters liking when it is HOT.

Maybe that sub-zero deep freeze of a couple Februarys ago killed off the snake population, with the lizards somehow surviving.

The biggest snake I have seen since being in Texas was seen in Lucy Park the first summer I was in Wichita Falls. It was HUGE. Moving slow. But HUGE. No clue what type slithering monster it was. Fairly certain it was not a boa constrictor or python. But, size-wise, that's what it looked like.

Being HOT is on the weather menu for the next many days. How did people live in this climate before the invention of air-conditioning?

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