Thursday, August 29, 2024

Know The Right Wing Nutjob Warning Signs

It is not much of a secret that I have a strong aversion to what I refer to as "right wing nutjobs".

Or "far right extremists".

Upon first meeting someone, talking to them, and suddenly words spew out which I find impossible to relate to, due to perplexedly thinking, what can one say? Where does one start?

When someone makes clear they are being a bit ignorant, does one assume this is a teachable moment?

Usually, I say nothing.

I wait for more evidence to come before deciding this is not ignorance which I am dealing with here, it is stupidity.

An ignorant person can be wised up. This is not possible, I have found, with a stupid person.

One of the unsettling things about our modern world is the phenomenon of social media. For the first time in human history the dumb among us have a means to share their ignorance. Over and over again.

I see this phenomenon on Facebook.

For example.

The Facebook postings of an individual who was in my high school class. But, never graduated, due to not successfully completing enough classes. This individual is so totally sure of himself, despite failing, totally, at that being educated thing, even at the relatively simple high school level.

Let's look at some of this right wing nutjobs recent snippets gleaned from Facebook...

Anyone who doesnt know by now that the whole attack at White House was arranged by Pelosi’… a total Fool ‘no debate just truth’!

if you do not work and pay your own way in this life you will rote in hell ‘ and will not see heaven’

someone needs to tell these indians the creator created the land for man ‘ not just them !’

i love everyone even the confused but i’m not going to lie to God & self ‘and tell a transgender, queer or gay that it’s all fine or write ‘ be cause it’s all ‘ morally wrong ‘

the Barbra Striseands  ,the Chers, the Whoopi’s,the Opras. Madonnas, etc. are some of the main reasons for the Calipornia mess  !

Biden,Pelosi,Kamala,Soros etc. have been trying to destroy this country ‘ they should all be in prison ‘

Unions destroy economy & playing field for everyone ‘ but themselves’

So, this nutjob thinks Pelosi arranged an attack on the White House. And if you do not know that, you are a total fool. See what I mean? What can one say to someone who thinks it was the White House which was attacked, not the Capitol? And that Nancy Pelosi was behind the attack.

If you don't pay your own way in life you will 'rote' in hell? I assume the word intended is 'rot'. How compassionate. I forgot to mention this individual regularly posts comments reflecting his strong imaginary Christian faith.

Indians need to be told this individual's imaginary sky friend created the land for man, not just Indians. How does one explain to this person that Indians are also men, creations of the imaginary sky friend.

This person loves everyone, but is not going to lie to his imaginary sky friend and tell humans who are transgender, queer or gay that it is all "write". Because it is morally wrong. One can not help but wonder what would Jesus do when talking to a right wing nutjob like this person?

Calipornia? How clever? Streisand, Cher, Whoopi, Oprah, Madonna, and their ilk have made a mess of California? Has this nutjob ever been to California to witness the fact that the state is not a mess?

Biden, Pelosi, Kamala and Soros have been trying to destroy this country? And should be in prison? This is an example of the type thing the nutjobs say which leaves one baffled as to what to say. Do you ask for examples of the country being destroyed by these people? No. The answer would only be stupider. 

Unions destroy the economy? For everyone? As indicated by number 5 in the above illustration, the right wing nutjobs have little to no understanding of economics. Or the role unions have had during America's history in improving worker's lives and the American economy.

There is more than one reason I have little interest in attending a high school reunion...

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