Saturday, July 27, 2024

Final July Saturday Lucy Park Jungle Hike

With the temperature in the relatively chilly mid 80s, with a wind doing some blowing, but with humidity high, it was to Lucy Park I ventured on this final Saturday of the 2024 version of July for some high speed nature communing in the natural sauna steam bath.

I hiked the Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle today for the first time in several weeks. As you can see via the above photo documentation it appears some of the Lucy Park Jungle has been stripped of its ground cover.

Continuing on, eventually we arrive at the yet not stripped of ground cover area of the Jungle.

 I like the Lucy Park Jungle better in full jungle mode, with the grass grown tall.

I do understand, though, why the grass gets cut. Left alone it presents a bit of a wildfire danger.

That earthquake, which had me all shook up yesterday, is now upgraded to a 5.1 on the Richter Scale quake. Apparently, there were two follow-up earthquakes in the hour after the first one, but those two did not shake as far as Wichita Falls.

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