Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Cool Lake Wichita Visit To America's Third Dirtiest Lake

A cold front blew in overnight, dropping the high today to somewhere in the 90s.

It was in the 80s, with a strong wind making it feel cooler, when I ventured to Lake Wichita this morning for the first time since some American federal agency designated Lake Wichita with the honor of being the 3rd dirtiest lake in America.

Lake Wichita is a shallow lake, and not a natural lake, but a reservoir created by a dam, which is what I walked on to get to the long fishing pier boardwalk you see above.

At the end of the long pier boardwalk I came upon the little guy you see here, holding a fishing pole. I asked how many fish he'd caught. His dad, sitting to the left of the kid, replied, not a bite, and we've been here over an hour.

I did not feel like asking if they knew they were fishing in the third dirtiest lake in America.

Another guy was fishing on the other Lake Wichita dock, a short distance away. I did not get the chance to ask him how many fish he'd caught.

It is being a nice relief having clouds back, well, a few, blocking some of the sun...

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