Monday, July 22, 2024

Cloudy Semi-Cool Breezy Walk Around Sikes Lake

With a cloud covered sky, the temperature in the low 80s, with a wind blowing, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured this Monday morning in July, for a walk around the lake, hoping not to need to dodge lightning bolts, which are on the weather menu for today.

But, so far, no sky drippage, no lightning bolts, just a pleasant cloudy day respite from getting seared over 100 degrees.

In the photo documentation, you are looking north through one of the Sikes Lake gazebos, strategically placed around the lake to give walkers a respite from the sun, or rain, if needed. 

That is a drinking fountain you see in the foreground. Drinking fountains are a rare amenity in park locations in this town. I know of none in Lucy Park or Lake Wichita Park or the Wichita Bluffs Nature Area.

Today is day two of being back feeling optimistic about the outcome of the upcoming election. I prefer feeling optimistic to the opposite of feeling optimistic...

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