Saturday, July 20, 2024

Amazon Prime Delivers New Air Fryer But No Herfy's Hefty Burger

A week ago my air fryer died. This was my second air fryer to die. I had grown used to using the air fryer frequently.

The same week my air fryer died, the latest iteration of Amazon Prime came to be. And among the Prime bargains was an air fryer.

That new air fryer arrived at my doorstep, via UPS, yesterday.

I did not get around to un-boxing the new air fryer til this morning.

Now that I am borderline elderly I no longer enjoy figuring out new things. Just unpacking something like an air fryer is a tad daunting.

But I did so. Read the instructions. Did as instructed.

But, when I touched the touch screen the only items to react were the rotate function, the light function, the start function and the cancel function.

I tasked an assistant with contacting Amazon to make the product return arrangements, whilst I continued to try and see if the problem was human error, and not the fault of the air fryer.

After perusing the manual which came with the air fryer I found the troubleshooting section to be of no use.

Then, looking closely at the control panel it looked like there might be a film of some sort covering the control panel. After a few attempts at getting a fingernail under the edge of the control panel, I quickly realized my fingernail was under the edge of a plastic film covering the control panel. I pulled it completely off to find the control panel now brightly shining, such as you see above.

Below is the plastic film which was making me think I had a malfunctioning air fryer.

Now, would you not think that in the set up instructions that mention would be made of this plastic film which needed to be removed before the air fryer could function properly?

Today in the air fryer I am frying fish, in order to make a replica of my all time fish burger, that I used to get, decades ago, at Herfy's.

Herfy's Hefty Burger and Herfy's Fish Burger were the best of that type delicacy I have ever had.

When my cousin Scott was in the army, stationed in Vietnam, his unit became homesick for a Herfy's Hefty Burger. Somehow it was arranged to put some Hefty Burgers on dry ice and ship them to Vietnam. I do not recollect being told the Hefty Burgers were edible upon arrival.

But, I am sure the effort was greatly appreciated...

1 comment:

  1. Borderline elderly? For a moment, imagine being actually elderly. At 68, I have no patience setting up new things or figuring out appliance set-up mysteries. That whole fingernail thing would have driven me nuts. You, my friend, are to be applauded.
