Friday, June 28, 2024

Way Too Much Excessive Heat For The Texoma Zone

From the Texhoma homepage you can see it is currently a tad warm at my location.

This morning, with the outer world still chilled to below 100, at 99 degrees, with the humidity making it really feel like 103, I opted not to go on an outdoor walk to get my much-needed endorphins.

Instead, I ventured the short distance to my preferred air-conditioned walking and shopping venue.


Mornings at Walmart one sees way more of us old folks than one sees after the five in the afternoon time frame. 

Most Walmart visits I find myself in the minority, as in the majority sport a thick layer of insulative adipose tissue, which I imagine makes those sorts super appreciative of cool air-conditioning.

Mornings at Walmart the number of those sporting a thick layer of insulative adipose tissue is much higher than later in the day. 

When I knew I was going to move from chilly Washington to not so chilly Texas, I decided I needed to reduce my own semi-thick layer of insulative adipose tissue.

I did so, dropping around 20 pounds before making the move.

And then, as I became acclimated to the Texas climate, I gradually grew back my semi-thick layer of insulative adipose tissue.

This super HOT summer is likely going to cause me to melt away the extra adipose tissue I have accumulated over the years...

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