Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Tuesday Sikes Lake Walk With Monarch Waystation

It was to nearby Sikes Lake I ventured on this first Tuesday of the 2024 version of May. 

A HOT and humid Tuesday in May. 

I'd previously walked near the sign you see here, but had never, til today, walked up close enough to see that the sign was signaling that this location is something called a Monarch Waystation.

A butterfly protection zone.

I saw plenty of flowers, but no butterflies.

Of late I have made note of the fact that there seems to be an uptick in the number of people I see out and about in the various parks I visit.

Methinks that, perhaps, a lot of people are finally getting around to doing something about the weight they gained during the long COVID nightmare.

I know I am finally shedding all that weight I gained during the long COVID nightmare...

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