Saturday, May 18, 2024

Finally Water Spilling Over Lake Wichita Dam On Mt. St. Helens Eruption Anniversary

It was to Lake Wichita I ventured on this fine May Day.

The third Saturday of the month.

And the anniversary of the day Mount Saint Helens exploded in my old Washington state home zone.

I was taking a bath on the Sunday morning that volcano blew up. I heard three loud concussive booms. Did not know it was the mountain exploding til a few minutes later when the next-door neighbor checked in to see if we knew the volcano had erupted. That turned into one long day of watching the non-stop news.

Anyway, back to Lake Wichita. This was the first time in over a year, maybe way over a year, since water was seen spilling over the Lake Wichita dam's spillway. And spilling in copious amounts it was.

Now we are at the top of the dam, looking through a chain link fence at the water spilling over the spillway.

Walking to the end of the Lake Wichita Boardwalk I saw these two guys fishing amongst the wood piers that are all that remains of the Lake Wichita Pavilion, which burned down way back in the 1950s.

The temperature is heading into the 90s today. The A/C is keeping my interior space cool.

Summer will soon be upon us. Record breaking heat is currently predicated. Not looking forward to that...

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