Sunday, May 26, 2024

Final May Sunday In Texas Over 100 Degrees

On this final Sunday of May of 2024, I was able to hike the Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle trail, with absolutely no mud, even though rain downpoured Saturday afternoon. A slight breeze blew through Lucy Park, the leafy trees provided some shade, the temperature was in the 80s.

And then, later this final Sunday of May of 2024, I drove to Walmart around 5 in the afternoon. When I parked and started to turn off the ignition, I looked up at the rear-view mirror's temperature and direction information to see the temperature over 100 degrees for the first time this year.

This bodes ill for the coming Summer. I suspect a record-breaking heat wave will be happening soon.

Today on Facebook I found myself in a conversation about taking a roadtrip, due north around 700 miles, to South Dakota, to see Dignity.

It is likely cooler in South Dakota than it is in Texas.

There is no Dignity to be seen in Texas, no matter where I drive...

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