Sunday, April 21, 2024

Sunny Sunday In The Park With Mount Wichita

Rain dripped for many hours yesterday, along with a lot of thunder booms. But, on this third Sunday of the 2024 version of April, a clear blue sky has returned, with nary a cloud to be seen, no matter what direction one looks.

So, it was to Lake Wichita Park I drove today, hoping to see the lake level higher than the last time I was at this location.

Well, all that rain does not seem to have had much impact on Lake Wichita.

There were a lot of people in the park today, enjoying the sunny Sunday, including multiple people trying to catch fish, and having no luck hooking anything.

I do not recollect previously seeing so many hikers making the treacherous trek to the summit of Mount Wichita as I saw today.

I would think the brown color on the mountain would be muddy. I did not feel like finding out if that is the case.

Have I ever made mention of the fact that Mount Wichita, a manmade mountain, was made from mud dredged from Sikes Lake, back in, I think, the 1990s. 

Methinks Sikes Lake needs to be dredged again, with another mountain made next to Mount Wichita, making for twin peaks...

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