Monday, April 1, 2024

McNutt's Real Island View Of The Mount Baker Volcano

Currently the former Washingtonian, currently a Virginian, known as that whackydoodle McNutt woman, is visiting her old home zone. 

For the first part of her Washington visit the McNutter is staying on Camano Island at the home of an aunt and uncle. 

Camano Island is a real island, located in Puget Sound. Not an imaginary island of the Fort Worth, Texas sort, where a chunk of land is being called an island, Panther Island to be exact.

But, currently Panther Island is not surrounded by any water. 

However, the chunk of land is already referred to as an island, in anticipation that one day a cement lined ditch might appear, filled with diverted Trinity River water, flowing under three freeway overpass type bridges, built over dry land, to connect the Fort Worth mainland to that imaginary island.

A bridge is what gives one access to Camano Island, a bridge which crosses actual water.

The above photo is the view from McNutt's Uncle's deck, looking northeast across Puget Sound. You can see the Mount Baker volcano in the distance.

I see no volcanoes, in any direction I look, at my current location...

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