Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Madame McNutt & Miss Carol Visit Fidalgo Drive-In & Grandpa Jake

The photos you see here arrived a few minutes ago. I am related to one of those in the photos.

The gigglemugging blonde in pink is the entity known as Madame McNutt, currently visiting Washington, but usually located in Virginia.

The other gigglemugger, who looks like a blonde, but used to be a Lucy-esque redhead, is not visiting from Virginia, but is a lifelong resident of the Skagit Valley, known as Miss Carol BD. 

All of these people, except the one I am related to were high school classmates of mine. The one seated, who is semi-gigglemugging is named Steve Henery, nicknamed Clyde. I think he is the president of an Anacortes bank, or some such thing.

Whilst in Anacortes Madame McNutt and Miss Carol stopped in at the Fidalgo Drive-In to see my Favorite Nephew Jason, who refused to be photographed. I do not know if the girls bought a Fidalgo Drive-In Tulip Field visiting ticket, for $4.50, which included a hamburger.

The one in the photo to whom I am related is Jason's paternal parental figure, the grandpa of Spencer Jack and Hank Frank.

Grandpa Jake lives next to Hank Frank. I do not know if the girls also visited Hank Frank. Or who the photographer in these photos was...

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