Thursday, April 11, 2024

Endorphin Acquisition At Sikes Lake With No Geese, Swimming Or Boat Floating

It has been a day or two since I have gotten myself an endorphin fix via aerobic stimulation. I get grumpy when I don't get some endorphins.

Yesterday rained and thunderstormed til late afternoon. When the rain finally stopped I drove downtown to the library, to refresh my reading material.

Today, Thursday, the 11th day of the 2024 version of April, the sky at my location is totally free of clouds.

So, it was to Sikes Lake I drove today to get me some endorphins. The rain did not drip enough to flood Sikes Lake to more than a drizzle drizzling over the Sikes Lake Dam Spillway.

Every time I see that NO SWIMMING sign, at this location, it causes me to wonder if they actually had a problem with people trying to swim at this not appealing to swim at location.

And NO BOATING CANOEING OR KAYAKING WITHOUT UNIVERSITY APPROVAL also causes one to wonder. I've never seen anyone floating in a boat, canoe or kayak on Sikes Lake. Does mean the university universally denies approval for anyone asking to go floating? 

Or, more likely, no one has ever asked to get approved by the university to go boating on Sikes Lake.

The multiple installations of coyotes around Sikes Lake seems to have greatly reduced the bird population. I saw no geese or ducks today. I saw one seagull. 

Where have all the birds gone?

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