Thursday, March 14, 2024

Hiking The Lucy Park Jungle With Nephew Jason In Hawaii

With the National Weather Service issuing a dire warning about possible extreme downpours, flash flooding, strong wind, hail, thunderstorms and possible tornadoes it was to Lucy Park I ventured today, under a semi-cloudy sky, for some high-speed endorphin acquisition, hiking the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

You can see via the photo documentation that the Lucy Park backwoods jungle is in jungle restoration mode, with the ground solidly green, and with leaves slowly returning to the trees.

Hot today, in the 80s, but saw no slithering reptiles. Not even a lizard.

Meanwhile, in tropical Hawaii.

Email from my Favorite Nephew Jason, this morning, currently way closer to the equator than his regular location in Washington

I do not believe Spencer Jack is with his dad, this time, in Honolulu. Spencer Jack's dad confirmed what Spencer Jack's grandma told me a couple days ago, that being that Spencer Jack turned 17 about a week ago.

Seems like only yesterday I met Spencer Jack for the first time. In August of 2008, at Bay View State Park, in Skagit County, in Washington. Spencer was around two years old at that point in time.

I next saw Spencer Jack in March of 2012, in Arizona. Spencer was around six years old at that point in time.

My most recent Spencer Jack sighting was in August of 2017, at Birch Bay, slightly south of the border with Canada. Spencer was around 12 at that point in time.

The older I get the faster times seems to fly by. I do not like it, not at all...

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