Friday, February 16, 2024

Rising Lake Wichita Level Almost Floats Kayak Launch Pad Dock For First Time

Recent rain has added some water to Lake Wichita, still well below being anywhere near full pool. But, enough water arrived to almost float the kayak launching installation which has been dry docked ever since it arrived at the lake, many months ago.

I had an inflatable kayak that I used to blow up and float on Lake Grapevine, and Lake Joe Pool, in the Dallas/Fort Worth zone. I am drawing a total memory blank trying to remember what happened to that kayak. 

We have had an abrupt end to the recent short semi-HEAT wave. The heat warmed well into the 70s yesterday. Today we are chilled into the 40s, with a strong wind blowing, causing the air to feel way cooler than the 40s.

Walking around Mount Wichita in Lake Wichita Park was not pleasant today, not pleasant at all...

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