Saturday, February 24, 2024

Hot Hiking Wichita River Waterfall With No Rattlesnakes

Day five of the early return of Summer, during the final weeks of the Winter of 2024, had me overheating on the final Saturday of February fast hiking the Circle Trail as it meanders east of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Walking this section of the Circle Trail I do not recollect previously making note of the Wichita River waterfall you see below. This is almost as wild a waterfall as that which remains of the original Wichita Falls, located a few miles further downstream.

I have yet to see any reptiles slithering during this current unnatural heat wave. It would seem snakes would slither out of wherever it is they spend the cold time of the year.

Speaking of snakes. The Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup happens in March. I experienced this disturbing event once, earlier in the current century. I made a Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup webpage, which included the first video I made with my long-gone Canon camcorder.

Years ago, that Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup webpage came up #1 when Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup was searched for on Google. I don't know if it shows up at all, anymore. During the time it Googled high that webpage generated a lot of email feedback. Some of which were of the sort that arrived in my email yesterday...

Rattlesnake Roundup

Howdy there.

It's that time of the year again when we're coming back for the killers to them a damn good exposé.  The merchants of death will be dragged through the dirt like they'll always be until such time as the killing ends.

Henry sends his regards by the way.

Robert Piller.
Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...

Are rattlesnakes an endangered species? There seem to be plenty of them slithering about. I've happened upon several out in the wild whilst I have been in Texas.

I have zero clue as to who this Henry is who is sending his regards my way...

I opted to take advantage of today's blazing hot sun to get an early start on getting suntanned, preparing to get tropical.

I appear to be a tad sunburned. Methinks such is an optical illusion. That swamp grass on the banks of the Wichita River probably should have had me vigilantly looking out for any snakes in the grass...

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