Friday, January 5, 2024

Microsoft OneDrive Memory Takes Me Back To Turner Falls

I quickly recognized the memory in the incoming Microsoft OneDrive "Memories from this Day".

And for once this memory actually did occur within a reasonable time frame of this day in January.

It was early in January, on a day soon after the new century began. I think it was in January of 2002. 

That is the top of Turner Falls you see above, in Turner Falls Park.

The park was flooding due to too much rain, which caused this Winter trip to Turner Falls to have Turner Falls falling way more water than a previous Summer visit to Turner Falls when I took a cooling dip directly under the waterfall. 

The summer visit to Turner Falls was HOT. Hundreds of people were enjoying cooling off, near the falls, and in a swimming hole further down Honey Creek.

Honey Creek is the name of the creek which provides Turner Falls its water.

If you are ever driving Interstate 35 in Oklahoma, and see the exit to Turner Falls, it is well worth it to take that exit.

Turner Falls is a short distance from that exit from I-35. You find yourself in the Arbuckle Mountains. Soon coming to an overlook, looking down at Turner Falls. We were not expecting to see such scenic mountain scenery that first time seeing Turner Falls.

I can't remember when last I saw a real mountain. I guess it would be the last time I was in Arizona, which was in July of 2019...

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