Monday, January 15, 2024

Comparing Temperatures Walking With Linda Lou In Walmart

Saw that which you see here, this Monday morning, on Facebook.

Apparently downtown Seattle accumulated enough snow during the current Arctic Blast to enable cross country skiing to Pike Place.

I do not recollect ever seeing skiing in downtown Seattle before.

The current Arctic Blast at my Texas location did not get the predicted precipitation. Not in snow form. Or ice. Nothing precipitated from the cloudy gray sky.

Walmart was my walking location, again, today. For the sake of variety I went to a different Walmart than the one closest to me. I think the Walmart I went to today is about a half mile further than the closest Walmart.

As I was walking in Walmart Linda Lou text messaged me, asking "Are you all frozen? We are up to 12 degrees this morning."

I texted back, "14 degrees here. Am walking in Walmart. Brrrr."

We are currently scheduled to get heated to something in the 50-degree range on Wednesday.

Driving by Sikes Lake a few minutes ago I was not surprised seeing the lake mostly frozen, with geese floating in a small area that had not frozen over yet...

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