Saturday, December 2, 2023

My 2023 Christmas Decorating Is Completed

On this first Saturday of the last month of 2023 I completed my Christmas decorating in record breaking time.

That is what you see photo documented.

The Christmas camel was made by my Grandma Vera, back in the previous century. Granda Vera is my mom's mom.

The Christmas stocking was crocheted by my Grandma Slotemaker. Grandma Slotemaker is my dad's mom.

In years past I have had trouble remembering where I stored my Christmas decorations. I have solved this problem by writing a note telling me where I stored the Christmas decorations. So, now, all I have to do is remember where I put the note telling me where I stored the Christmas decorations.

In all the years I have been in charge of Christmas decorating, I have never had a Christmas tree.

Christmas trees always seemed absurd to me. When I lived with my parental units and siblings I recollect every year's Christmas tree installation was a big production. Sometimes it would involve getting a tree cutting permit and driving to a designated Christmas tree cutting area in the Cascade mountains. That was actually a bit fun.

For a couple years my mom succumbed to the aluminum Christmas tree fad. That involved assembling the tree by sticking aluminum limbs into holes on the center pole. Then stringing lights, making for a hideous display of reflective color. With an aluminum Christmas tree there was no need to hang tinsel on the limbs. There was already enough shiny glittering silver.

Thirty more days and the holiday season comes to its New Year's Day end....

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