Thursday, December 14, 2023

Mount Rainier Is Back Fully Clothed In White

Saw that which you see here, via Miss Chris, on Facebook.

At the Chris and Sheila vantage point at their previous home in Kent, a suburb south of Seattle, they had no direct view of The Mountain, also known as Mount Rainier.

At the new Knappson location, a smart home they built in Lacey, a suburb of Olympia, Chris and Sheila have a direct look at The Mountain.

Just a short time ago The Mountain had lost most of its white covering. Glaciers were melting away.

The Mountain looked naked.

But now, in mid-December, The Mountain is back being totally covered in white, thanks to a couple Atmospheric Rivers dumping a lot of water on Western Washington, which arrives in frozen form at the higher elevations.

At my current location we do not get any precipitation from Atmospheric Rivers. However, rain is in the forecast for later today.

But there are no higher elevations for hundreds of miles, which would get snow covered by incoming rain...

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