Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Merry Christmas From Joey, Monique and Hank Frank

 A Christmas card arrived in my mailbox yesterday. The first one to arrive at that location this year.

The Christmas card was from Hank Frank, his Mama Monique, and my Favorite Joey Nephew.

Hank Frank is now five years old.

I do not know if Hank Frank is already going to school.

I do know Hank Frank is already driving a motorized vehicle, which he drives next door over to visit his Grandpa Jake most every morning, to watch cartoons.

Hank Frank, his parental units, and Grandpa Jake, live on the Skagit Flats, near Roozengarde, which is Ground Zero during the annual Skagit Valley Tulip Festival.

I thought for sure I would have met Hank Frank by now. But, COVID intervened, and post COVID something always seems to come up that prevents a trek to the Pacific Northwest.

Maybe this upcoming Summer I will make my way to my old home zone...

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