Sunday, December 24, 2023

Getting All Shook Up In Texas On Christmas Eve

My old home zone had a Christmas Eve earthquake this morning.

4.0 on the Richter Scale. 

I have not felt the earth move since the 1990s.

There was a period of time, during that time, when multiple earthquakes shook me up, epicentered near Big Lake, only a few miles from my east Mount Vernon abode.

Those Big Lake quakes ranged between 2.0 and 3.0 on the Richter Scale. Due to being shallow quakes, with the epicenter so close, that cluster of quakes was loud, with the vibrating shaking quite noticeable.

During one of those quakes I was sitting in my living room. A room with a lot of windows, looking out at big fir trees. When the quake hit, the windows flexed and made a popping noise. The trees shook violently. 

As the windows popped and flexed, and the trees shook, I heard a cracking noise in the kitchen. When the quake ceased shaking I walked into the kitchen to discover the quake had cracked the tile floor.

Earthquakes are a bit scary, due to there being no warning, unlike other Mother Nature being angry events, like hurricanes, or tornadoes, or floods. 

Though, I have to say, while there may be a tornado siren warning a twister is in the neighborhood, it is still a scary thing, but not suddenly startling, like an earthquake. 

Since being in Texas I have experienced being near three tornadoes. I have never seen the stereotypical twister phenomenon associated with tornadoes. All I have seen is a dark, greenish wall of clouds.

Anyway, hope y'all are having yourselves a very merry Christmas Eve...

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