Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Warm November Walk Around Mirror-Like Sikes Lake

Today is one more pleasant November day in my North Texas location.

As you can see, Sikes Lake is wave-free, due to no wind blowing, creating a mirror-like surface reflecting the clear blue sky.

A large number of geese have arrived from the north.

Apparently not aware of the danger they face by stopping at Sikes Lake, site of a mass murder of 383 geese a couple months ago.

Today's super pleasant weather had a large number of fellow walkers and joggers walking around Sikes Lake today.

Leaves have begun falling copiously the past couple days. Today I was parked under a tree, with the falling leaves sounding like hail hitting my vehicle.

Pleasant weather is forecast to continue til next Monday, with the return of rain and temperatures in the 50s.

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