Thursday, November 2, 2023

Lucy Park Backwoods Jungle With Three Deer

I was on the east side of town, this morning, to pick up a pharmaceutical product, so, after getting that, I headed west to Lucy Park for some fast paced endorphin inducing aerobic activity.

I had previously opined that rain would render the Lucy Park backwoods jungle impassable. A few days ago I walked part of the Lucy Park backwoods trail, turning around when I came to mud.

Today I made my way the entire distance, finding mud easy to avoid due to the grass having been cut, making for dry bypasses.

I was deep into the jungle when I was startled to see three four-legged critters, moving at high speed. At first reaction I thought they were wild boars, and then I realized they were three small deer, moving too fast for me to get the camera turned on and photo document them.

The temperature was in the 50s for today's outdoor fun. I am quickly acclimating to the cold...

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