Monday, November 20, 2023

Gas Price Rapidly Falling In Wichita Falls

 A couple days ago I got gas at the gas station you see here, across the street from my neighborhood ALDI. At that point in time filling the tank was $2.61 a gallon, about 40 cents cheaper per gallon than the previous time I got gas.

And now today, back at ALDI, gas has dropped to $2.49 a gallon.

Just read on CNN price of gas is falling across the country, with the average now being something like $3.33 a gallon.

Apparently the price is going to continue falling for a while.

Now, back when the price of gas was rapidly rising, due to things like Russia destabilizing the world by invading the Ukraine for no sane reason, and other factors, the chronically clueless rightwing nutjob sorts were blaming Biden, indicating their lack of understanding about what causes the price of gas to fluctuate, and that the president has little to do with it.

That and the price of gas soared world-wide, you know, the part of the world of which Biden is not the president. America's gas price did not rise as much as other developed countries.

Same with inflation, which the nutjobs also blamed on Biden. America's inflation rate is far lower than what has been happening in the rest of the world...

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