Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Walk Around Sikes Lake With No Swimming Or Snakes

Another clear, blue sky, warm, in the 80s, October day in Texas.

Will Summer ever leave?

I walked around Sikes Lake this morning for my daily acquisition of endorphins. I always wonder about the signs you see here, on a cyclone fence, in front of the Sikes Lake dam.

Had there been a problem with people swimming at this location? And, no boating, canoeing or kayaking without universal approval.

I have never seen anyone swimming, boating, canoeing or kayaking at any location on Sikes Lake.

Sikes Lake does not appear to be an appealing location for any of those activities. The lake is too shallow at too many locations.

That and way too murky.

It has been many years since last I got wet in a Texas lake. I think the year was 2002. And the lake was Lake Grapevine in the D/FW zone.

I was swimming in that lake and found myself face to face with a reptile head. I thought it to be a snake. I've never swam as fast as I did to get away from that reptilian head.

Safely on shore I looked at what was chasing me to see it was a big turtle, not a snake.

I doubt there are any snakes in Sikes Lake. But, there are turtles. Another good reason not to swim there...

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