Sunday, October 8, 2023

Microsoft OneDrive Remembers Mom & Dad At Dealy Plaza & The Dallas Farmer's Market

Once again I remember the Microsoft OneDrive memories Microsoft thinks I should remember. 

These memories are all from October of 2001. 

Mom and dad's first time visiting me in Texas was a month after 9/11.

The two memories at the top are from the Dallas Farmer's Market. Mom on the left. Mom and dad on the right.

The rest of the photo memories are from Dealey Plaza in Dallas.

I thought mom and and would find the 6th Floor Museum to be interesting. That proved not to be the case.

Mom and dad quickly went through the exhibits, showing little interest in any of it. They had no interest in watching any of the incident documenting films, with mom infamously saying something like, "We lived through this happening, so we really don't need to see anymore."

That visit with mom and dad seems so recent, in my memory. But, it was 22 years ago...

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