Friday, October 27, 2023

Halloween Spooks In Beverly Hills Of Wichita Falls

No. That is not the White House you see here, sporting a tall skeleton. That is a house on Hamilton Boulevard, across from Hamilton Park, in the neighborhood I refer to as the Beverly Hills of Wichita Falls.

Hamilton Park and the Beverly Hills of Wichita Falls is a short distance from my abode, and so I drove there this final Friday of October to get in my daily bout of high-speed walking, and to take some photos of the Hamilton Boulevard Halloween decorations. 

The above is the biggest of the neighborhood Halloween displays. I could not get all the skeletons in the photo, as they were all over the yard.

This one appears to have a tall ghost on the left, a big black cat in the middle, and yet one more tall skeleton on the right.

I have been seeing multiple Halloween yard displays this year as I drive around town. Way more than I remember seeing previous years. 

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