Monday, October 16, 2023

Back With Sikes Lake Geese & Yellow Wildflower Carpet

With the temperature barely in the 50s, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured this morning for a fast walk around the lake, with a lot of other lake walkers.

After the mass murder of 383 Sikes Lake geese, a couple months ago, the few geese which remain can not keep up with eating all the sprouting vegetation, like this carpet of yellow wildflowers you see above.

The geese you see flocked above were the only geese I saw today as I walked around Sikes Lake. 

On Saturday I saw a flock of a different type on the way to Lucy Park.

The flock of Sikes Lake Holocaust protesters were back, with the largest group of protesters, yet seen, along with the biggest protest signs yet seen.

I have yet to learn what the Geese Holocaust protesters hope to see happen. A promise of no more goose murders? Criminal charges brought against the goose killers? What?

I sure do grow tired of how fast time seems to be accelerating.

The dreaded (by me) holiday season is fast approaching.

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