Friday, September 22, 2023

Second Fall Day At Beautiful Sikes Lake

Yesterday, the first day of Fall, it was to Lucy Park I ventured for some nature communing in the Lucy Park backwoods jungle.

The first day of Fall was HOT.

Hot and humid.

I overheated into being a sweaty mess yesterday at Lucy Park.

Today, the second day of Fall, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured for some nature communing. The second day of Fall is not HOT at my location. The temperature at Sikes Lake was barely in the 80s, with a strong chilling wind blowing.

So, I had myself a mighty fine time walking around the lake, along with a lot of other nature communers, including one collection of mom's pushing baby strollers, with a couple of the baby strollers having two babies onboard.

We have had a little rain hitting the ground the past few days. With enough water to restore the Sikes Lake Green Lagoon to its usual self, not the dried-up self which the Green Lagoon had been sporting the past several weeks.

A return to a couple 100 degree days is currently in the forecast for my location.

I thought that overly HOT nonsense was done for the year.

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