Wednesday, September 20, 2023

No Kayak Launching Today At Lake Wichita On Last Day Of Summer

On this last day of Summer it was to Lake Wichita I ventured for some breezy nature communing.

Since my last Lake Wichita visit a kayak launch has been installed, which is what you see sitting on dry land.

Someone must be optimistic that the ongoing drought will one day end, with Lake Wichita once again at full pool, and able to float kayaks.

Another look at the shrinking lake. I'd estimate that only about a third of the lake bed still has some water.

Mount Wichita is looking a bit dried up, as well.

With most of the mountain's vegetation dried and died, a heavy rainstorm will likely wreak a lot of erosion havoc on the only mountain in Wichita Falls.

Tomorrow Fall begins. I am looking forward to the upcoming chilly days requiring no air-conditioning...

1 comment:

  1. I’m sure fracking has nothing to do with this whole mess. Water restrictions for everyone except for private wealth/private equity, developers and city official kickbacks. New oil and gas wells are being approved daily in Tarrant.
    Hoard land, destroy remaining green space, wildlife habitats, capture and suck the earth dry of non-renewables for private gain, build “for rent” housing, abandon well, NEXT!
