Friday, September 1, 2023

Geese Flocking Back To Sikes Lake On First Day Of September

A couple days ago I was at Sikes Lake and made mention of the fact that I saw not a single goose.

I speculated that the survivors of the mass execution of Sikes Lake geese had decided to relocate to a safter location.

Well, I was back at Sikes Lake on this first day of September. And geese were also back, which is what you see floating on the lake.

Is this a migrating flock who dropped in for a rest on their way somewhere else, not realizing the danger they were in by floating in Sikes Lake, the site of the recent mass execution of 343 geese.

The temperature is scheduled to be back over 100 for this first day of the new month, with multiple following days also over 100.

But, the temperature was barely 90 when I walked around the lake, which felt relatively chilly, what with a refreshing breeze blowing...

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