Friday, August 4, 2023

Fidalgo Drive-In Back Open With Burgers & Dungeness Crab Sandwich

 A couple days ago I made mention of the fact that Currently No Burgers At The Fidalgo Drive-In In Anacortes.

This morning in incoming email an email came in from my Favorite Nephew Jason with the above photo and text saying...

Car hop awning has been removed and Fidalgo Drive-in has resumed normal operation.

According to the above photo documentation at the Fidalgo Drive-in, currently, one can have oneself a dungeness crab sandwich for only $15. I do not know if that comes with fries.

It has been awhile since I have had any dungeness crab. If I remember correctly the last time I had myself some dungeness crab was back on summer of 2008, in Tacoma. Mom and dad had driven north from Arizona, part of the roadtrip via the Oregon coast highway, where they bought a couple dungeness crabs. 

Mom and dad thought they bought themselves a couple freshly rendered edible dungeness crabs. When they got to Tacoma and went to sample the crab they discovered it had been frozen and was only partially thawed. 

Mom and dad considered previously frozen dungeness crab to be inedible.

I am not so picky. So, I had myself a crab feed...

1 comment:

  1. Car hop awning removed but the A&W Root Beer pagoda style roof tower remains. Awesome. Those vintage A&W roofs are called pilgrim hats. And the pilgrim hat designer also did the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant roofs. And now you know the rest of the story.
