Monday, July 24, 2023

Wichita Falls Dump Truck Mayhem With Broken Pole Big Bang & Fireball

What you are looking at here is the Saturday afternoon view from my bedroom window. I was in the kitchen this morning when I heard a loud noise that sounded like the garbage truck dropping a garbage bin, with the noise much louder than the norm.

I looked out the window and just as I saw the garbage truck, across the street from my abode I heard a loud explosive popping noise, and then saw a fireball.

I could see the dump truck had some snagged lines from a power pole, breaking the pole near the bottom, causing the pole to lean over.

My power flickered off for a second or two.

Soon sirens were blaring, followed by the arrival of a firetruck and other emergency vehicles. A few hours later the repair was underway, and is ongoing. 

This sort of thing passes for excitement in this dull little town...

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