Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Welcome To The World Cade Christopher Weston

As I walked into Walmart, an hour before noon, my phone made its incoming text message noise.

I had my hands full at the time of the text message noise.

A few minutes later I remembered my phone had made its incoming text message noise.

So, I woke up the phone and found the following text message from my Sister Jackie, in Arizona...

"It's official. I'm a granny. 4 lbs 13 ounces 18" with strawberry hair 10 fingers and toes!"

 When I saw the message I quickly called Granny Jackie. No answer. Then I figured Sister Jackie must be at the hospital, which meant I would need to call her cell phone, not her landline.

Just as I was about to hit the call button on Jackie's cell phone number, Jackie's landline number popped up.

Jackie was home, not at the hospital. So, Jackie has not yet gotten to see her first grandson. The hospital has strict visiting rules. One visitor at a time. Something to do with COVID. 

The newborn baby boy's dad is my Favorite Nephew Christopher. The newborn baby boy's mom is my Favorite Niece-in-Law, Carissa. 

And the name of the newborn baby boy?

Cade Christopher Weston

I have now been a great Great Uncle three times. Spencer Jack, Hank Frank, and now, Cade Christopher.

I probably should mention that that is not a photo of Cade Christopher you see above. Sister Jackie is going to text me a photo when she gets to see Cade Christopher for the first time.

I Googled "newborn baby boy" and the photo above was the only one I found with what I thought might be strawberry colored hair.

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