Saturday, July 15, 2023

Relatively Cool Lucy Park Saturday Kayaking

On this third Saturday of July the outer world at my location has been chilled to well under 100 degrees. And so it was not to Walmart today for my daily fast walking communing with nature. It was to Lucy Park I drove.

Total cloud cover, gusts of wind, and 82 degrees made for the most pleasant outdoor activity in weeks.

I walked out on the Lucy Park suspension bridge today to see something I'd not seen before. A kayaker kayaking down the Wichita River.

I would think kayaking on the Wichita River would get a bit dicey at times, what with the river getting shallow at some locations.

And then there is a mile or two downstream where the kayaker would come to the location of the original Wichita Falls, which is now not even close to being a waterfall but is a location where the river drops elevation enough to create what looks like rapids.

With rocks.

Tomorrow is predicted to be another chilly day, I hope with wind gusts and lots of clouds. And then Monday we return to getting baked over 100 degrees...

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