Monday, June 26, 2023

The Ongoing Spread Of Deadly Texas Heat

Saw that which you see here a couple minutes ago on the online version of CNN. 

Apparently deadly Texas heat is spreading and is going to get hotter.

Three paragraphs from the CNN article...

Parts of Texas have been roasting for more than two weeks and flirting with the state’s record high temperature, and now, temperatures could get even hotter and expand to other areas across the South.

“Many areas outside south and south-central Texas (will) experience their most significant heat of the season thus far,” the Weather Prediction Center said on Friday.

More than 90 record high temperatures could be broken this week from Texas to Missouri to Florida, with the majority of those occurring Wednesday through Friday.

I no longer have hot and cold running water. I have hot and lukewarm running water.

I did my endorphin acquiring aerobic stimulation today in the air-conditioned comfort of Walmart.

If the Texas grid collapses, like it did during a deep freeze a couple winters ago, I am escaping to the north, to Oklahoma...

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