Thursday, June 22, 2023

Happy Nephew David 8th Grade Graduation Day

Incoming email last night with the above photo and a video, with the only text saying "8th Grade Graduation Today".

The who is it from part of the email said "Slotemaker". This caused me to wonder is this about Spencer Jack graduating 8th grade. Then I remembered that Spencer Jack was already in high school. 

Clicking on the photo still left me a bit confused. Then I watched the video, to see and hear an announcer announce "David Slotemaker".

I cropped the photo for a closer look at my Favorite Nephew David. Here is the original, uncropped...

I have zero memory of my own 8th grade graduation. I only barely remember high school graduation. 

I assume David's brother and sister, Theo and Ruby, attended this event, but I have no photo evidence of this...

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