Sunday, June 18, 2023

Breezy Balmy Sikes Lake Father's Day Walk With Ducks

On this balmy next to last Sunday of June, also known as Father's Day, it was to Sikes Lake I ventured for a breezy walk around the lake.

The temperature in the 80s, an hour before noon. I do not know what the wind chill made those 80 degrees feel like, other than quite pleasant.

As you can see a clear blue sky has returned to my Texas location. However, in the middle of the night, last night, rain poured down for about a half an hour, along with multiple, close by, loud, lightning strikes.

I only saw four geese today at Sikes Lake. I have never seen so few geese in this location. The geese population norm is dozens upon dozens of geese.

Whatever chased off the Sikes Lake geese did not scare off the Sikes Lake ducks. Such as the large duck flock you see resting under the shade of a tree.

The weather menu has us scheduled to be above 100 degrees starting tomorrow. I likely will be curtailing my outdoor activities...

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