Friday, May 12, 2023

Why Is Dallas A City People Refuse To Visit Again?

This morning, via MSN (Microsoft News) I scrolled through an article titled Avoid These 10 Cities People Refuse to Visit Again.

One of the ten cities people refuse to visit again surprised me.

Dallas, Texas

The ten cities listed...

Cairo, Egypt
Marrakesh, Morocco
Miami, Florida
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Dallas, Texas
Hollywood, California
Las Vegas, Nevada
San Francisco, California
New Orleans, Louisiana

Well, Dallas is in some good company of other cities people refuse to visit again. 

The explanatory blurb about Dallas...

Texans say that megachurches, strip malls, subdivisions, and little else populate Dallas. Another person claims the city combines every bad part of Texas and markets it as a city. 

Well. I have visited Dallas multiple times and have never had it cross my mind that I never wanted to visit again. I've always enjoyed visiting Dallas. Fair Park, Deep Ellum, Dealey PlazaFarmers Market, White Rock Lake, and more, like Pioneer Plaza.

I've been to some of the other cities on this list of cities people refuse to visit again. Hollywood, Las Vegas and San Francisco.

I've been to all three multiple times, so I am not one of those visitors who refuse to visit again.

Well, I really don't think I'd bother visiting Hollywood again. There is not a lot to see in Hollywood. Grauman's Chinese Theater, or whatever it is currently called, and the Walk of Fame. That's about all I remember about Hollywood.

Las Vegas wears me out after about four days, but, I always seem to return. 

San Francisco is a fun town. Just riding the cable cars makes the town special. And San Francisco's Chinatown is the best Chinatown I have seen. Plus the famous iconic bridges, the waterfront, and more. I don't get why anyone would say they refuse to visit San Francisco again.

1 comment:

  1. Fort Worth was probably lumped in with Dallas thus dragging Dallas down.

    Fort Worth fun facts mayoral election edition:

    Fort Worth mayor Mattie Parker was recently re-elected with 30,118 votes. Fort Worth has a population of 935,508.

    The Seattle mayor was elected in an off year election with 155,295 votes. Seattle population? 737,015 good people. Stakeholders. Citizens.

    San Francisco’s mayor won with 126,221 votes and a population of 815,201.

    Fort Worth the unexpected city!

    End of Fort Worth fun facts mayoral edition.

    I didn’t even mention the Fort Worth mayor storming out of a city council meeting and also yelling at a concerned Fort Worth citizen in a city hall corridor.
