Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Getting Away From Doris Doolittle At Lucy Park With Wildflowers

 After too much verbal abuse from Doris Doolittle, this third Tuesday morning of May, I was in the mood for some peaceful nature communing.

And so I drove to Lucy Park for some fast walking in the Lucy Park backwoods jungle, under a cloudy sky and a temperature in the pleasant 70s, with a slight wind blowing a slightly chilly breeze.

In other words, perfect conditions for a mind clearing walk, erasing Doris Doolittle's verbal abuse from memory.

As you can see via the above photo documentation, April showers have brought more May wildflowers.

I do not know what the yellow flowers with orange centers are called, but they sort of look like daisies.

Possible rain and thunder is on the weather menu today, again, and, again, so far today, nothing...

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