Sunday, April 16, 2023

Mr. Perry Causes Me To Look For The Texas Testicle Festival

 I saw that which you see here, this Sunday morning, on Facebook, via the entity known as Mr. Perry. 

Mr. Perry has a highly sophisticated ribald sense of humor. So, I assumed this was a joke.

And then I Googled "Texas Testicle Festival" and learned this is not a joke, it is a real thing. In Fredericksburg, Texas.

There are multiple websites which have info about this festival, including the Best of Texas website which Googles at #1 with its Texas Testicle Festival webpage, where I read the following information...

Music and great food underlie the planning for this event, including the sweetbreads and Rocky Mountain oysters, paired nicely with some adult beverages (and a little bit of friendly ribbing), these things go down like butter!

Other delicacies such as barbecue ribs, pulled pork sandwiches, and Oysters can also be found at the Testicle Festival, so you absolutely won’t leave hungry regardless of your tastes.

Don't miss our Testicle Eating Competition! $40 Sign up fee - $100 Cash Prize, all the Testicles you can eat during competition and FREE BEER to wash it down!

From the San Antonio Current Texas Testicle Festival webpagewe learn some more details...

The fest will dole out fried family jewels of several different animals, as well as sweetbreads made from the thymus or pancreas of calf or lamb. Past festivals have included turkey, lamb and veal testicles that have been served up battered, fried or grilled.

I have been to Fredericksburg a couple times. It is a nice tourist town, sort of German themed. I don't think I will make any effort to return to Fredericksburg for the Texas Testicle Festival, even with it being as tempting as it sounds...

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