Friday, April 28, 2023

Mount Rainier Is Showing Off This Morning

I saw that which you see here, this morning, on Facebook. The sort of scenery I do not see at my current location.

No mountains no matter which direction I look, let alone a mountain in the form of a giant volcano.

The view here looks to me to be, maybe, from the Point Defiance area of Tacoma. Or it could be a view from Gig Harbor, which is slightly west of Tacoma, on the Olympic Peninsula side of the Tacoma Narrows.

Previously I thought I would be seeing Mount Rainier in person, this summer. But, currently I have no plan to see such.

Flying out of my current location has not yet returned to the pre-COVID norm.

I have not roadtripped back to Washington since July of 2001, the last of five roadtrips back to Washington, after the move to Texas a year before the turn of the century. 

I do not quite know why a long roadtrip has lost its appeal. Maybe it was that fuel pump failure in July of 2017, leaving me stranded on the freeway a few miles east of Flagstaff, in Arizona.

When one is young one worries not so much about a mishap on the road. When one is what is known as being borderline elderly, such concerns take over from the lackadaisical attitude that predominated decades ago.

I wish America had a high speed rail network like Japan, China and Europe have...

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