Monday, April 3, 2023

In Paris With Ruby, Theo, David & Mona Lisa

Email this morning from France with multiple photos, with no text telling me what I am looking at, other than, with some of the photos, telling me this should be an easy one. Such as the above. Ruby, Theo and David with the Paris Disneyland castle behind them.

On a train ride in Paris Disneyland. Is this the Paris Disneyland version of Thunder Mountain? I have no clue.

I am thinking above Theo, Ruby and David are in the Palace of Versailles.

I am guessing the Tacoma Trio is still in the Palace of Versailles in the above photo documentation. Before heading underground.

And here we seem to have gone from the Palace of Versailles. to a tour of the Paris Sewers.

I think the next summer Olympics is taking place in Paris, which would make those the Olympic rings we are seeing above.

Finally a totally easy one. David, Ruby and Theo glowing bluish purple, with the Eiffel Tower behind them.

And now it looks like Theo, Ruby and David are under the glass pyramid in the Louvre Museum.

A close up of Theo, Ruby and David doing their best mysterious Mona Lisa smiles, in the Louvre Museum, with Mona on the wall behind them.

That concludes today's virtual visit to France..

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