Thursday, April 6, 2023

David, Theo & Ruby's Final France Photos

 A fresh batch of photos from France arrived in my email last night. With the only text in the email saying...

"We head tomorrow. Incredible trip, made harder by a vicious bug we picked up at Disneyland."

That and challenging me to guess what I was looking at in the photos.

Well, the first one was easy. Theo holding up the Eiffel Tower.

The above photo is known as the Sinking House in Montmartre.

I gave up trying to figure out what I am looking at in the above photo. I do see the Eiffel Tower in the distance.

This one was easy, due to most of the name of the place being in the photo, as in this is the Moulin Rouge.

And here we have David, Theo and Ruby visiting the Tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.

I am curious regarding the specifics of the nature of the bug which was picked up whilst visiting the French version of Disneyland. The kids don't look at all sick in the various instances of photo documentation.

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