Friday, March 31, 2023

Windy Sikes Lake With Flock Of Goslings

It was to Sikes Lake I ventured this morning, on this final day of the 2023 version of March, to do some nature communing which required leaning into a strong wind.

The wind was blowing from the west. I would have thought, due to feeling how hard the wind was blowing, that the waves on the lake would have been bigger, with whitecaps.

You know for sure Spring has sprung when you see what I saw today at Sikes Lake.

A flock of newborn goslings. I saw no goose parental units by the flock. Usually, mom and dad goose are overly protective of their newborns and don't let visitors get too close.

And now a screen cap of part of today's forecast for my location.

I think I got hit with one of those 55 mph gusts. I had to lean into the gust to keep moving.

The high wind and dry conditions have caused the issuing of a Red Flag Warning. I do not know why it is called a Red Flag Warning, but what it means is conditions are such that the wildfire danger is extreme.

So far all I see is a smoke-free crystal clear bright blue sky...

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